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Sell to Excel

The Art and Science of Personal Selling

Selling is the art of persuasion at its finest. It is a way to willingly influence others’ behavior, to develop relationships, to build credibility, and to let the world know what you have to offer. In fact, selling may be the single most important skill in human life. Whether you are a business person, a teacher, a prophet, or a parent, to get your point across you have to sell.

In almost every situation where two people come together, there is an opportunity for someone to sell something. Sell to Excel will help make you alert to selling situations and equip you with selling skills to use in such situations on a daily basis.



ISBN 13 (Paperback): 978-1532075988
ISBN 13 (Hard Cover): 978-1532075995
ASIN (Kindle Edition): B07TXBQNGD

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Janelle Fila

Sell to Excel: The Art and Science of Personal Selling by Asif Zaidi is a book that discusses face-to-face sales techniques and situations in business. While there are certainly other types of sales a business might experience, the focus of this book in on the personal connections and experiences of a face-to-face conversation.

I was attracted to this book for two reasons. First, my father has struggled in the business of sales all of his life. Although he has had some moderate success at times, he has never been able to consistently sell and earn a living at it. We have worked in multiple businesses together as entrepreneurs, but we have always struggled to sell enough to make our businesses profitable. We were just talking about a book my father was reading that claimed a salesperson needed to have a bigger “framework” than the customer and basically smash the customer’s frame with his own. I think this is a terrible idea. There has to be a better way to sell a product that does not involve bullying the customer into purchasing something they do not want or can’t afford. I was pleased that Zaidi’s book has a much more cooperative solution to these obstacles.

I expected that, though, because of the second reason I was attracted to this book. I have read a previous book by Zaidi (The Stuff of Life) which I found inspiring, uplifting, but most of all positive. I agree with the idea that good salespeople are passionate about the product they are selling. If they honestly believe it will benefit the customer, and aren’t solely focused on money, it should be a much easier transaction for both parties involved.


Ryan McCoin

“Sell to Excel: The Art and Science of Personal Selling” by Asif Zaidi is a guide to selling more effectively by approaching it in a positive way and by building relationship rather than numbers.  There have historically been two schools of thought when it comes to the process of sales a hooking a customer on a product.  The first school of thought, and the one most people think of when contemplating sales, is the approach most associated with a heavy-handed approach and bullying.  This salesman tends to be very forward and overbearing and makes the customer feel as if they need the item in question and have no choice in the necessity of the matter, merely when and where they will need to purchase it.  This approach can tend to burn bridges.  The other school of thought involves building a relationship with a customer first and foremost and using that relationship as a foundation to find what the customer needs most to help them be more effective in their chosen pursuits.  The difference in pushing a product and helping a customer search for a product may seem small, but it has significant differences in the end result and the amount of trust fostered between the customer and salesman.  Asif Zaidi covers all of this in his book and delves into the psychology of selling and relationship building.  This book delves relatively deeply into the psychological aspect and gives a lot of advice on how to build long-term trust and credibility with people and how to make them feel heard and valued.  I enjoyed this book and would recommend it to anyone pursuing a career in sales.